A game of tag...

In a medium that is non-tactile, I am not surprised that someone has invented a way to play tag over the internet. The needs of human beings to touch—a handshake, hug, a pat on the back—is well documented. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before someone attempted to reach out and touch others in the blogosphere.

I recently found out that I was tagged by Matt. This particular game bears no similarity to television or freeze tag. Instead, it is vocational tag, or what if tag. Below, you will find a list of vocations. For five of these vocations, you are asked to write something brief to complete the sentence.

I am then required to tag three other people who must do the same. You can add more occupations to the list when you pass it on but you must choose your 5 from the list provided by the person who tagged you. You're also asked to trackback to the blogger who tagged you if you know how.

If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a service member...
If I could be a photographer...
If I could be a philanthropist...
If I could be a rap artist...
If I could be a child actor...
If I could be a secret agent...
If I could be a comedian/comedienne...
If I could be a priest...
If I could be a radio announcer...
If I could be a phlebotomist...
If I could be Paris Hilton's stylist...
If I could be the CEO of Microsoft…
If I could be a movie producer…
If I could be a laser hair removal specialist…
If I could be a dog groomer...
If I could be a bicycle repairman...
If I could be a Lumberjack...
If I could be chauffer for Michael W. Smith...
If I could be a Head Football Coach...

Here are my additions to the list as well

If I could be an insurance adjuster…
If I could be funeral home director…
If I could be a bus driver…
If I could be me…

My five responses…

If I could be a chef, I would invent some way to fuse steak, chocolate, beer, jelly beans and macaroni and cheese into a low-calorie great tasting meal.

If I could be a painter, I would find ways to create brushstrokes for the images that flit through my mind. I would find a way to translate the pictures that are created in my dreams to canvas and paper.

If I could be a philanthropist, I would make all of the “make poverty history” banners unnecessary.

If I could be a photographer, I would want to travel the world taking pictures of people, attempting to capture the soul of humanity in a brief snapshot of time.

If I could be a scientist, I would work on a way to genetically engineer an on/off switch for the mouths of preachers, theologians and others who seem to put their foot in their mouths regularly. This could be activated by remote sensors that gauge language, tone, syntax, and how worked up the offending person is getting.

As for who gets tagged next, let’s try Meg over at Bridget Jones goes to Seminary, McKormick at As Evidence, and Adam at The Pub. If I can do it, so can you….

grace and peace



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